Free From Judgment: At Peace With The Past

The highest form of human intelligence is to observe yourself without judgment. Jiddu Krishnamurti

There’s an old story of two Buddhist monks walking along the far stretches of the Taklamakan Desert. They come across a small stream in Kashgar, and spot a woman struggling to make it across with all her belongings. One of the monks decides to pick up the woman with her things and carry her on his back as the two men cross the stream on foot. Monk #1 sets her down at the other end, says nothing, and continues on with monk #2 still by his side. The two monks walk in silence for miles more before monk #2 speaks up and says, “You know we are not permitted to touch the opposite sex; what you did is offensive.” And he looked on expectantly, awaiting an explanation.

“Oh, you’re still carrying that?” replies monk #1. “I dropped her off 3 miles ago.” Continue reading “Free From Judgment: At Peace With The Past”

The Truth About Forgiveness: Set Yourself Free

It’s any wonder why someone would choose darkness when light is just a decision away. A decision to incorporate new thoughts of wellness and peace into one’s mindset, thereby overriding thoughts of disease and hate. A decision to view another person as capable of making mistakes and in need of as much mercy as you or I. In other words, decisions to move out from under the shadows and into the sun.

It’s any wonder, too, that someone would choose punishment over forgiveness. Continue reading “The Truth About Forgiveness: Set Yourself Free”

Ego by Any Other Name is Still Ego: What is Ego? (Part 1)

All fear is the ego’s fear of death or annihilation. Eckhart Tolle

What is ego? It’s been passed down that our ego is a little, red cape-donning devil sitting on our shoulder luring us to do and say bad things. That it’s the voice keeping us tethered to judgment, compromise and mediocrity. That it’s the force that thwarts our aspirations and opportunities. That it’s the insecure, self-deprecating, name-calling, complicated jerk inside us all. Needless to say, it’s acquired quite a bad rep over the years. I’d like to offer up a different story on the plight of our dear ol’ ego in a series of 5 posts, beginning with this one. Continue reading “Ego by Any Other Name is Still Ego: What is Ego? (Part 1)”

The Feeling Place: How Feelings Move Us

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou

Our memory of how we felt about a person, place or thing will always outlast what we actually did, heard or said. Did the movie move you to tears? Did the food send your taste buds soaring? Did you fall in love at first sight? What we specifically may have done, heard and/or said is actually subject to change. So it follows that even our interpretation, or perspective, of what we experienced is subject to change. Continue reading “The Feeling Place: How Feelings Move Us”