EP48: The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga, for me, was a life-changer. When I first discovered it for myself firsthand in 2006, I went in blind but open. Eager for the experience, actually. And I had always heard that you are what you think about. But at that point in my life, I didn’t find it easy to shift my thoughts in order to stay empowered and happy. I didn’t know how to use my thoughts to serve me and my desires.

But this one day, this first day on my yoga mat, changed all that forever. Continue reading “EP48: The Benefits of Yoga”

EP47: Mind Mapping

Omari Broussard, mentor and coach, joins me today to discuss how to mind map and the benefits of mind mapping. All the nuances of mind mapping contribute to the overall goal of decluttering your mind–clearing out the cobwebs and allowing your brilliance to peek through during a brainstorming session. Free-flow brainstorming using a mind map is a great way to free your mind to come up with endless ideas as they’re born without being bogged down by too much linear structure. Listen as we explore tips from Tony Buzan, father of modern mind mapping. Continue reading “EP47: Mind Mapping”

EP46: Fear Of Rejection

What is it with fear of rejection? The sweaty palms, the butterflies, the paralyzing sensation. What is at the root of that fear and how can we begin to empower ourselves in face of that fear? This fear affects our behavior. So everything we do in life is an effort to avoid pain, humiliation, and annihilation. Listen to this episode to learn the truth about the fear of rejection and how to change beliefs from limiting to empowering.  Continue reading “EP46: Fear Of Rejection”

EP28: Health & Fitness

We’re still on the subject of body clutter–all the junk that corrupts our minds about our bodies, and therefore corrupts the healthy flow of blood and nutrients throughout our bodies. This episode isn’t about the how-to of dieting and fitness routines, though…that discussion would never end. Besides, there’s always some new research coming out to trump the old; news about eat this and not that. It could make you crazy if you tried to follow along and do it all. So what should we be doing for our bodies? What should we be eating and not eating? Continue reading “EP28: Health & Fitness”

EP24: Mental Clutter

We’ve all heard them, the voices in our heads. The ones that won’t shut up and keep us riding this emotional roller coaster (and yelling “stop” doesn’t help). How do we calm that mental chatter and bring more peace and presence into our lives? There are many ways to bring that chaos under control. This episode goes into various techniques to clear away all that keeps you distracted, preoccupied, indecisive, inefficient, exhausted and overwhelmed so that you can start living fully again. Continue reading “EP24: Mental Clutter”

EP23: Power of Thought

We are walking zombies; every day engulfed in a full on trance, constantly thinking about what just happened that caused us pain or humiliation, what’s about to happen that could cause us pain or humiliation, and what has to happen next in order to prevent pain or humiliation. That’s our meter, we gauge everything according to whether it will humiliate us or cause us pain. And we’re fearful of whatever has the potential to. What is this trance we’re in? Continue reading “EP23: Power of Thought”

EP18: Regret & Acceptance

What is regret? What is acceptance? They are our gauge for how we’re experiencing each moment. Our quality of experience is contingent on which of these we exercise at any moment. Continue reading “EP18: Regret & Acceptance”

EP17: Judgment

How would it feel to make peace with the past, forgive who you were way back when and allow your growth to unfold as it may? That would require you to stop judging the past! Would that feel nice, not to be judged anymore? Well, as much as you make others the defendant on your “court of justice,” you do the same to yourself when you condemn yourself for the past. Your suffering is in direct proportion to the extent to which you judge others and yourself. Continue reading “EP17: Judgment”

EP13: Healing Wounds

Happy Father’s Day! Just like our fathers kissed and bandaged our boo-boos and kept us safe from the boogeyman, as we age and become more aware, it’s up to us to heal our own wounds. Continue reading “EP13: Healing Wounds”

EP10: Mindful Eating

This episode’s about mindful eating. Are you eating just to eat, or are you consciously aware of why and what you’re eating? How do you become aware of food, its ingredients and how it’s prepared in order to make better decisions for your dietary needs? Continue reading “EP10: Mindful Eating”